Onlajn demonstracija i razmena borilačkih veština između grada Cangdžou i zemalja Centralne i Istočne Evrope

Pozivamo vas na onlajn demonstraciju i razmenu borilačkih veština između grada Cangdžou i zemalja Centralne i Istočne Evrope

Vreme: 28.02.2023.
Događaj će se organizovati preko platforme Zoom (ID:  81199348270;  lozinka:123456) s početkom u 9 časova po lokalnom vremenu.
Molimo sve učesnike da događaju na platformi Zoom pristupe pod sledećim imenom: 塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德孔院 + Ime i prezime učesnika


Više informacija o događaju možete pročitati u  nastavku:



I. Time (Feb.28,2023)

  • 15:00 Wushu groups and Confucius Institutes from Central and Eastern European countries join the Zoom meeting room in due course;
  • 16:00 The event officially starts;
  • 17:30 Conclusion of the event

II. Schedule

1. The host announces the start of the event.

2. Program I by Chinese Team: Charm of Cangzhou Wushu (2.5 mins)

3.Remarks by Mr. Xiang Hui, Mayor of Cangzhou (simultaneous interpretation).

4. Remarks by Ms. Liu Yuan, Director-General of Hebei Provincial Foreign Affairs Office (simultaneous interpretation)

5. Performances by Wushu teams from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and the Czech Republic. (The host will announce the program before the start of each performance. Each team will have one minute to make a speech, time for interpretation is included)

6. Program II by Chinese Team: Wushu Spirit of Pangu (4 mins)

7. Performances by Wushu teams from Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia and Montenegro. (Each team will have one minute to make a speech, time for interpretation is included)

8. Program III by Chinese Team: Wushu Charm of Pigua (4 mins)

9. Performances by Wushu teams from Poland, Romania, Serbia , Slovakia and Slovenia. (Each team will have one minute to make a speech, time for interpretation is included)

10. Program IV by Chinese Team: Awe-inspiring Spirit of Baji (4 mins)

11. Conclusion by H.E. Ambassador Jiang Yu, Special Representative for China-CEEC Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1 min) .

Important Reminders
1. Zoom test: Participants from Central and Eastern European countries should join the Zoom test meeting at 15:00 Beijing Time on February 27, 2023 to test your devices and internet connection.
The online Zoom meeting room will be open at 15:00 Beijing Time on February 28, 2023. Please get online in due course. The event will officially start at 16:00 Beijing Time.
2. Information of Zoom meeting room: Zoom meeting ID: 83490847942, Password:123456. Please get in touch with the contact person of the Chinese Embassy if there is any access problem.
3. Languages: English and Chinese.
4. Video Definition: Some videos provided are not clear enough. If there is a clearer version, please provide it as soon as possible to ensure the broadcast effect.



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